Make an Impact and Scale Quickly with Femalepreneurs Natasha and Jo

The Femalepreneurs Academy is passionate about helping fellow female network marketers and entrepeneurs who feel stuck in their business. They help you  build a successful business online by using a strategy that feels good to you whilst serving from the soul.

Natasha & JoJo have successful backgrounds in both the network marketing and coaching industry. Their entrepreneurial journey’s started out in the network marketing industry, where they quickly climbed to top positions, built a team of thousands, quit their jobs and went full time in their businesses.

They’ve since scaled their academy to over 6 figures, earning over 200k in their first 2 years of trading and helping thousands of women to build influence online, make the impact they dream of and scale to the income they desire, quickly minus the overwhelm and hustle. They also “walk the walk”, and within 6 weeks they had gone from 0-2000 followers and earned over 70k in revenue from their first course launch. In addition to their business they have also become best selling authors of the book “The elevation of the femalepreneur”. This is a book collaboration between inspirational women who are all successful entrepreneurs and have each shared their stories of how they overcame adversity and succeeded within their entrepreneurial dream.

They realize it is so important to use your own story and lead with it online so you can be unique and authentic and stand out from the “noise” online. They have found that this is the fastest way to build authority and influence, make an impact so you can earn the income you want!

The Femalepreneurs Academy is full of hundreds of likeminded entrepreneurs with over 200 training modules that are a combination of business strategy, marketing, social media systems, mindset, and law of attraction. Natasha and Jo help their clients learn how to find a feel good business strategy that aligns with their passions and then show them how they can run the show as an empowered  femalepreneur and become a magnet for your own success. They know the real secret to success is finding the right balance between strategy and soul and as fully certified NLP practitioners they are qualified to help you re-wire your mind for unstoppable success as well as give you the online business tools to succeed. 

Natasha and Jo’s Femalepreneurs Academy keeps it REAL!

They have faced every challenge along the way and are now armed with the tools, resources and team to help their clients overcome anything and create unstoppable success online.

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