Every school leader knows that the adults in their building have a big impact on student success. But what are some of the specific problems that adults can create? And how can leaders address these issues?
As a recent guest on the An Imperfect Leader podcast, Beth Napleton of Beth Napleton Consulting explores some of the most common adult problems that get in the way of student success – and what a leader can do about them.
Adult problems can be a major obstacle for students trying to achieve success. Some of the most common adult issues that can impede student progress include low motivation, lack of adequate resources, and difficulty managing time and expectations.
For leaders hoping to help their students succeed, it is important to address these issues in a holistic manner. For example, motivating students requires more than just providing positive reinforcement; it also involves helping them identify new opportunities and giving them access to the resources they need to reach their goals. Leaders should also focus on helping students develop effective time management skills and realistic expectations for themselves.
Leaders can also use communication strategies such as coaching conversations or group activities which allow students some degree of autonomy while providing guidance from an adult mentor. Education and self-help books can provide useful insight into how students can manage their responsibilities and reach their goals.
Lastly, it is important for leaders to recognize that these issues are often the result of larger systemic problems, such as a lack of financial support or access to education. Leaders should work with stakeholders across multiple levels in order to address the root causes of these problems.
Beth shared: “I feel this topic is important because the road to reaching your mission is going to be difficult. We’re up against a lot of systemic issues in our society that make it hard to deliver on the promises we hope to for youth, but the people in our building should not be one of those obstacles. So how can we make sure that that’s not the case?”
About Beth Napleton
Beth Napleton is a national award-winning teacher and has been in the education field for over 20 years, having trained close to 2,000 teachers and leaders to success. Most recently, she served as Founder and CEO of a small charter school network on the South Side of Chicago that opened in 2013. All graduates of her schools – most of them first-generation students – were all accepted to four-year colleges.
Learn more: https://www.bethnapleton.com/
Beth’s Leadership Quiz: https://bethnapleton.involve.me/leadershipquiz