Nina Acosta, Founder & CEO of Transcend the Light-Transformational Life Coach & Energy Healer, Interviewed on Podcast Discussing Emotional Trigger Management

Nina Acosta discusses how she helps her clients healthily manage their emotions.  Listen to the interview on the Business Innovators Radio Network: What are emotional triggers? Emotional triggers are situations, people, places, or things that cause people to feel strong emotions. These triggers can be positive or negative but…

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Mental Wellness Consultant, Irene Anggreeni, Invites Fellow Wellbeing Advocates to the Tribe

Irene Anggreeni is a Dance Movement Psychotherapist, a Mental Wellness Coach, and a depression survivor. She uses her lived experience to “help others overcome their challenges and transform their lives”. And now, she has founded the Healing for Impact Tribe programme. This is a 6-month journey where like-minded mental health…

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