Maria Koropecky is a Spiritual Wellness Coach, Author and Crystal Mapper from Victoria, Canada, who understands that we all face moments of frustration, no matter how driven and creative we may be. Back when she was at a crossroads in her life, she went backpacking through Spain in order to work through the sheer frustration she was experiencing. And, as divine timing would have it, the story for her forthcoming book, Who is Donna Tiva?, came to her during her travels, as she resolved to channel the experiences she had had and the lessons she had learned into an uplifting narrative. Now, with the first of her trilogy ready for publication, she is about to launch her coaching programme to help other aspiring authors.
Write From The Heart is a course designed especially for introverts who need help getting their creative juices flowing. She wants to support those who may not always speak up in public to speak out through the written word, by helping them to solidify their vision, clear any roadblocks and go with the flow. Drawing on her own experiences and the spiritual power that has seen her through, Maria’s course will take people from dreaming of writing a book to making steady and sustainable progress towards their goals.
What makes Maria’s course so unique is how she incorporates the power of crystals. She knows that, ultimately, setting goals and visualising a pathway are key to developing a successful writing practice, and colours, chakras and crystals are the ideal tools for helping individuals discover exactly what works for them. Maria explains that “crystals and gemstones each have their own story to tell. From my knowledge of colours, chakras and crystals, I’ve created a unique coaching tool called Crystal Mapping, which is a fun and interactive, heart-to-heart conversation that helps people figure out where they are now and where they’d like to go next.”
For more information about Write From The Heart and other courses on offer, you can visit To find out more about Maria Koropecky and her upcoming book, go to