Dr Vidhya on Escaping Lockdown Limbo and Resetting Mental Thermostat

The coronavirus pandemic has shaken up all of our lives, and particularly those of the most vulnerable amongst us. Dr Vidhya Kumaranayakam, a GP and High Performance Success Coach, knows this more than most, working as she does with victims of domestic violence and those struggling with their mental health. With Covid-19 cases once again on the rise, our situation as it stands looks to be the start of a new normal. But Dr Vidhya doesn’t want those who are overwhelmed to feel there’s no end in sight to their distress. Her work looks to transform the mindsets of her clients, giving them unshakeable confidence that will help them to thrive no matter the circumstances. Her Diamond Success Mindset courses exist to serve everyone from young mothers to seven-figure CEOs, and use manifestation, subconscious mind reprogramming and neuroscience to help them reset their mental thermostats.

Unshakeable confidence stems from a bulletproof mindset, and Dr Vidhya has seen what these two things can do for people. It keeps them safe while they work on strengthening their mental, physical, spiritual and financial foundations, ready for the new world that is emerging. With lockdown restrictions keeping us all in limbo, such a foundation is necessary for those who want to power through the coming months, no matter what comes their way. Helping her clients to reflect on the pillars of their lives, Dr Vidhya then uses her proven H.E.A.R.T. system (which stands for Healing, Empowerment, Awakening and Awareness, Rising, and Thriving) to help them correct their course in life, rebuild after trauma, and manifest the life they want to live, in spite of the ongoing pandemic and recession.

She employs a range of techniques drawn from her backgrounds in medicine, coaching, entrepreneurship and parenting, in order to best help each individual. These include chakra and aura healing, affirmations and visualisations, as well as law of attraction and success coaching, which she learned under the tutelage of renowned speaker and coach Bob Proctor. All these things combined offer her clients the best chance possible of blasting through their fears and anxieties. They can even help people beat the “nocebo effect”, which is what happens when a person’s physical health suffers due to negative thinking adversely affecting their mind-body-spirit connection. Dr Vidhya has seen such cases on the rise in recent months, but her work will help to prevent it from becoming a pandemic in its own right. She says: “the power is within you and it’s time to take it back. Let me show you how.”

To find out more about Dr Vidhya’s Diamond Success Mindset groups and course options, visit https://www.facebook.com/groups/576794759672148/?ref=share.