Frank Felker’s Online Recruiting Course Is Rated #1 on World’s Largest eLearning Marketplace

Not so long ago, the United States’ unemployment rate was at a record low level. Now it’s at a record high level. From one perspective it really doesn’t matter: No matter what’s going on in the labor market, good help is always hard to find.

But is this because workers are notoriously lazy, unskilled, and unmotivated? Or is it because most businesses have no idea how to successfully recruit, onboard, manage, and retain the right people for the right positions.

Business author and educator Frank Felker says this one is on the business owners.

“By and large, people are honest and hardworking,” says Felker. “What they are not is satisfied or engaged by their work. Businesses are so focused on the tasks they need to have performed that they forget about the needs of the people they are hiring to perform them.”

“And it’s not just small businesses, “Felker explains. “Companies of all sizes do a poor job attracting and keeping great people. The two biggest reasons are: 1) They don’t approach the challenge systematically, and; 2) They don’t approach their employees as people, with lives outside of work. When combined, those shortcomings virtually guarantee failure. Fortunately they can both be fixed very quickly.”

The online course How to Hire and Keep Great People is organized into 3 sections:

  1. Attract
  2. Select
  3. Develop

After highlighting 15 common mistakes business owners make – and how they can fix them – the Attract Section features lessons on how to write a job description, crafting a successful employment ad, quickly vetting through large numbers of online responses, and more.

The Select and Develop Sections take the student/employer the rest of the way through the process; selecting the right new worker, presenting them with the job offer, bringing them onboard, and developing them into a long-term productive team member.

Felker’s approach appears to be resonating with his students. As of this writing, How to Hire and Keep Great People is the highest-rated Recruiting course on Udemy, the world’s largest eLearning platform, ranking #1 out of 695 competing courses on the topic.


Great info. There were several new things I learned that I didn’t while working on my degree in Human Resources. Awesome class. Jeff J

Frank obviously knows what he’s talking about. I am in the process of hiring and managing employees and I really needed to sharpen my skills. No textbook theory. I highly recommend this course. Nina H

Very insightful. I really like the detailed explanation about helping someone learn from their mistakes and not just yelling at them! Dr. Mark P


While Frank Felker has done live educational presentations to thousands of attendees across the United States, in Brazil, Germany, and the UK, his preferred delivery method these days is online. “I love the energy of an in-person presentation,” Felker shared. “But, in light of our current situation, online teaching is the way to go.”


Skills are the new currency of the global economy and we all need to be in a state of continuous learning to keep up,” stated Shelley Osborne, Head of Learning and Development at Udemy. “We’re witnessing demand for online learning from organizations around the world. It’s clear that the training and learning solutions of the past aren’t going to be what propels us into the future,” 


How to Hire and Keep Great People includes two hours of educational programming and 31 downloadable resources. The entire course is available now on Udemy for only $94.99.

Frank Felker’s Amazon Author Page

Frank Felker’s Linkedin Profile