Joseph Land Was Interviewed On The James Quandhi Show Talking About “The Value Of Having The Right Mentor Is One Advantage Successful People Have In Common”

Now Joseph Land is mentoring other entrepreneurs to give them the same kind of advantage; that is why he set up The Ask Joseph Land Insider’s Club to help people get a leg up on their competition. This advantage is something Joseph Land is excited to offer all of those that join.

James Quandhl started out the show by introducing Joseph Land.

Joseph Land is recognized as an Elite Entrepreneur, Business Strategist, Global Leader, Speaker, and Author. Mr. Land speaks worldwide and is a leading authority in helping energize his audiences to meet the world’s challenges around them.

Mr. Land has a passion for helping entrepreneurs looking for the “edge” to scale their businesses. In addition, he mentors personally selected entrepreneurs weekly to help them achieve their goals both personally and professionally. He has over thirty-five years of experience as an entrepreneur and has built two large companies from startups.

Joseph says, “I teach the people I mentor that their personal example sets the tone and culture for their organization. From attitude, work ethic, dressing like you want to be addressed, positivity; you get back what you project. The most powerful leadership tool that you have in your personal example.”

Mr. Land is a Master Communicator and Strategist; he motivates his audience to believe, achieve, and make an impact on the world. He has spent decades working with individual entrepreneurs to major companies to help them maximize sales, productivity and achieve overall success.

His outstanding disposition and ability to merge psychology into sales singles him out among his contemporaries. Joseph’s training & mentoring services help to experience a paradigm shift in thinking and sales performance. He can motivate your employees into insightful thinking and cause positive changes in the way they perceive their own self-value, limiting beliefs, and external forces.

Any company looking to transform its sales team and align them with the values they require to become a force to be reckoned with will benefit greatly from this training.

Mr. Land states, “As a kid, my dream was to play professional baseball. The Los Angeles Dodgers drafted me, and I thought my dream would be fulfilled. However, a torn rotator cuff ended that dream, and I knew I had to get another dream pretty quickly.”

After that, Mr. Land started his career in transportation; he formed the Joseph Land Group, Inc… Over 25 years, his company was fortunate to grow from a humble beginning to a business with 1,500 trucks and 2,000 employees producing more than $179 million in annual sales. Price Waterhouse listed the company in 1989 as the eighth largest refrigerated transportation company in North America and the eighteenth largest company in South Carolina.

In this episode of the James Quandhl Show, you’ll discover the answers to the following questions that he asked Joseph Land during the show:

  • What Joseph Land is working on now, and how he got to where he is today…01:15
  • What prevents us from believing great things are possible in our lives…07:20
  • Why we all need a mentor, and to mentor others…10:06
  • Finding the right mentor, i.e., someone who’s been in the trenches and made things happen…20:45
  • Joseph’s routines and best practices each day…23:36
  • Why proper sleep is vital to success in business and life…31:44
  • What to do when people doubt your vision for your life…38:04
  • How to know if your dream is worth pursuing…48:52
  • Why our mistakes are just as crucial to our success as our victories…58:45

To listen to the complete interview with James Quandhl and Joseph Land, go to

Here is what people are saying about him.

“Joseph is the mentor everyone needs and deserves. He will address the subjects that will help you think outside of the box. It has been an absolute pleasure working directly with Joseph and his contagious mindset. I would recommend Joseph to anyone who is looking to grow on a professional level. Joseph’s story of how he was brought up and how he fought to be where he is now really touched base with me. I can’t express in words how helpful Joseph has been to me personally and professionally. Thank you, Joseph.” – Mikyle Jessen, over 1,000 Business Owners and $500 Million Funded.

“Joseph is a rare find. I have had the pleasure of knowing him for just four months and was quickly impressed by his ability to encourage and guide whomever he speaks with. His caring and inspiring nature are second to none, and it shines in all that he does for his clients. It is a true pleasure to be able to recommend Joe.” – Justin Long, Helping Small Business Owners and Entrepreneurs Get The Capital They Need.

“I recently connected with Joseph through my company. Within seconds of meeting him, I saw exactly why he was here and how he would develop into a mentor for not only me but our entire team. He shared great experiences and was open to helping anyone and everyone.” – Ron Razete, CFE Founder/ Brand Owner/ Operator at Peace, Love and Little Donuts.

“My experience with Joseph Land has been the kind that books are written about and treasured. He is an advocate and a leader in the purest sense. Therefore, I would trust him with my business, children, and wife (and that’s something considering how hot she is!) – Colette Wakeman, Owner / Broker in Charge at Chalet Realty, Inc.

“Joseph knows how to get things done and is not afraid of following through with his ideas and beliefs. Our experience with him goes back over 30 years. We can simply say that we’ve been lucky to have known him and his beautiful family.” – Linda Perry, Wellness Coach/Wealth Creation Advisor/Family Life Changer/Master Connector.

“Joseph is a visionary, a leader, and a trusted mentor. He builds empires from nothing. He leads you from where you are. And he mentors you into your best self. So if you want to start a business, I highly recommend Joseph; he will get you to the promised land!” – Chris Chandler, E-9 Corporation.

For more information about Joseph Land, visit or join the “Ask Joseph Land Insiders Club; go to