Move Full Steam Ahead Towards Reaching Peak Performance with Pete Cohen

And according to most, these challenges are not going anywhere, anytime soon. But, if you ask Pete Cohen, coach and authority on human behavior and performance, he would most assuredly say that the times we’re in are just meant to strengthen our beliefs, and strategies needed, for achieving our goals. Cohen’s latest venture, Mi365 coaching, provides endless tips and tactics to remain positive and be armed to move full steam ahead towards the great life we all desire.

Pete Cohen is a successful business coach, expert in human performance, leadership and personal and professional development, one of the world’s most sought-after motivational speakers and best-selling author of 19 published books including Shut the Duck Up, Habit Busting, Fear Busting, Life DIY and Sort Your Life Out and his most recent publication, Inspirators – Leading The Way In Leadership. Throughout Cohen’s lengthy career, he has coached business leaders and executives, from more than 260 of the largest companies in the world, corporate teams and sports stars on how to reach their highest and best-performing state of being. Thousands of people across the globe have been positively impacted and inspired by Cohen’s compelling presentations. 

One of Cohen’s many talents is to address, head-on, challenging behaviors and turn them around through simple and easy processes. The brand personality, of Mi365, is to be completely transparent, light-hearted and enjoyable.  Cohen utilizes his innate ability to translate complex strategies into simple, easy to understand messages so that any client can grasp his methods and put them to use immediately to remove the intimidating barriers that are keeping them from reaching their peak level of performance.

With new roadblocks arising daily, in these unprecedented times, individuals across the globe are seeking new ways of reinventing themselves, bettering their position in their current role to establish long-lasting value and in simply feeling fulfilled in the seemingly new world that we live in and finding purpose. Cohen’s Mi365 arms individuals with tools to take the lead in their own lives and create a life of vision, passion and success. Tools including strategies for setting up your day with intent, incorporating structure to daily routines and ideas for changing your mindset to provide more clarity. 

As the value of a coach and professional speaker is often not measured by relevance but in long-lasting impact, it is easy to see that Pete Cohen brings incredible value to any organization. He inspires his audiences to think outside the box, believe in themselves and get motivated to take positive action in their lives and in their career. 

“Pete has an energy like no other presenter we have come into contact with, is incredibly inspiring, and delivered incredibly valuable content. As an organisation we learned so much from his real-life experience. I would recommend Pete Cohen to any organisation as his delivery is infectious and his content is thought provoking” – Stuart Ilslsy, Head of Customer Service, Town and Country Housing Group

If leaving an imprint and resonating with your entire audience shows proven success, then Cohen has certainly established himself as a leader among his peers.




Pete Cohen is a trained business coach, a recognized authority on personal and professional development, leadership development, motivation, health and well-being. He was the former resident Life Coach on ITV’s GMTV for 12 years and is one of the world’s most sought-after motivational speakers. He is also a best-selling author of 19 published books including Shut the Duck Up, Habit Busting, Fear Busting, Life DIY and Sort Your Life Out and his most recent publication, Inspirators – Leading The Way In Leadership and he is obsessed with taking people from where they are now to where they want to be! 

Throughout Cohen’s lengthy career, he has coached business leaders and executives, from more than 260 of the largest companies in the world, corporate teams and sports stars on how to reach their highest and best-performing state of being. Thousands of people across the globe have been positively impacted and inspired by Cohen’s compelling presentations.